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Product 267 of 1056

Nayar, Paintal, Gupta, Nemcek Atlas of Cytopathology and Radiology

ISBN: 978-3-030-24754-6

Edition: 1st Ed.

Publication date: November 2019

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 251 p.

Illustrations: 206 ill.

Publisher: Springer

Delivery times, dependent on availability and publisher: between 2 and 14 days from when you complete the order.


  • Unique subject area correlation not yet covered by other publications
  • Over 100 color illustrations
  • Illustrates the complete pathologic-radiologic correlation, particularly as it relates to fine needle aspiration and core biopsy acquisition

The diagnostic services—pathology and radiology—are the cornerstone for supporting the delivery of high-quality healthcare by providing timely and accurate diagnosis. In this era of precision medicine, it has become increasingly important for these two services to work collaboratively in supporting patients and clinical colleagues by informing and communicating the selection and interpretation of appropriate diagnostic tests, as well as obtaining adequate tissue for diagnosis, prognostication, and therapy at initial presentation and, if required, during disease progression/relapse. This book is aimed at practicing cytopathologists and interventional radiologists as well as trainees in these areas. An essential requirement in the accurate diagnosis of these mass lesion biopsies is the correlation of cytomorphology with the radiological findings and adequate triage of acquired material during the biopsy procedure. The cytologic findings,  gross surgically resected specimens, and imaging findings are illustrated to provide a complete pathologic-radiologic correlation of the entities discussed. This Atlas of Cytopathology and Radiology serves as a useful guide for pathologists and radiologists in the appropriate  triage and diagnosis of deep seated mass lesions biopsied under ultrasound, CT Scan or fluoroscopic guidance.