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Taylor Managing Breakthrough Cancer Pain

ISBN: 978-1-908517-76-0

Auflage: 1st Ed.

Erscheinungsdatum: Dezember 2013

Einband: Softcover

Seitenzahl: 98 p.

Illustrationen: 18 ill.

Verlag: Springer

Lieferzeit ab Ihrer Bestellung: 2-14 Tage je nach Lieferbarkeit und Verlag


  • Guide for all currently approved ROOs in the US/EU
  • Easily accessible text, figures, and illustrations offer practical approaches for managing cBTP with ROOs, while also understanding ROO abuse, screening techniques, and the TIRF REMS
  • Access program to monitor for ROO abuse
  • Detailed hypothetical case studies take readers through a step-by-step process of determining the appropriate treatment plan for their patients

Managing Cancer Breakthrough Pain is a comprehensive review of cancer breakthrough pain (cBTP) and rapid-onset opioids (ROO), the only treatment approved for cBTP episodes. The book was originally commissioned due to the current rapid growth of the ROO market and the epidemic of ROO abuse. This book will review the historical background and definitions of cBTP and ROOs, assessment methods to determine types of cBTP, US- and EU-approved ROOs, case studies (which will provide practical applications of ROO treatment options), ROO abuse and screening methods, and the FDA-mandated TIRF REMS Access program (Transmucosal Immediate Release Fentanyl Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies Access program). Busy healthcare professionals who have a basic understanding of cancer pain but want to learn more about cBTP and ROOs will benefit from this concise guide that will help them quickly understand the complexities of cBTP episodes and ROOs.