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Jiang, Foo Survival Guide to Cytopathology

Pathology Survival Guides

ISBN: 978-1-7344916-7-8

Auflage: 1st Ed.

Erscheinungsdatum: Juni 2023

Einband: Hardcover

Seitenzahl: 430 p.

Illustrationen: richly illustrated

Verlag: Innovative Pathology Press

Dieser Artikel ist Teil des Reihenwerks "Pathology Survival Guides"

Gewicht: 2 kg
Lieferzeit ab Ihrer Bestellung: 2-14 Tage je nach Lieferbarkeit und Verlag


This survival guide to cytopathology will be a practical, image-rich book giving an organ-based approach to cytodiagnosis. Key cytomorphologic features and helpful ancillary studies will be provided, with photos and helpful tables as well as differential diagnostic considerations for both classic and challenging cases. This volume is designed for learners of cytopathology, those interested in honing their cytopathology skills, and as a quick desk reference for practicing cytopathologists.

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