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Guarner, Slavik, Velez Hoyos Pathology of Non-Helminth Infectious Diseases

AFIP Atlas of Tumor and Nontumor Pathology / LESS DISCOUNT FOR SUBSCRIBERS

ISBN: 978-1-933477-43-5

Erscheinungsdatum: September 2024

Einband: Hardcover + Digital: online access

Verlag: American Registry of Pathology

Dieser Artikel ist Teil des Reihenwerks "AFIP Atlas of Tumor and Nontumor Pathology Series 5"

Gewicht: 3 kg
Lieferzeit ab Ihrer Bestellung: 2-21 Tage je nach Lieferbarkeit und Verlag


The field of infectious diseases has advanced by leaps and bounds. These advances include the emergence and identification of a plethora of new human pathogens, the reclassification and renaming of many existing organisms, a clearer understanding of the pathogenesis of infectious diseases, the advent of revolutionary new diagnostic techniques, as well as the development of newer, more efficacious, and safer medical therapies. In addition, the ease of international travel and global human migration have exposed medical practitioners worldwide to an expanding spectrum of infectious diseases. This volume endeavors to update the enormous advances in non-helminth infectious disease pathology and serve as a useful and contemporary reference for surgical pathologists in the continuously evolving and vibrant field of infectious diseases.

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